Animal Sounds of Botswana

Some of these sounds will surprise you!

Experience the Sounds of Botswana's Wildlife

Botswana is home to a diverse array of wildlife, each with its unique call. Listen to the sounds of some of Botswana's most iconic animals and learn about their vocalizations and interesting facts.

A lion's roar can be heard up to 8 kilometers away!
Elephants can communicate over long distances using low-frequency sounds inaudible to humans.
Hippos can't actually swim or float! They move through the water by pushing off from the bottom.
Leopards are excellent climbers and often drag their prey up trees to protect it from scavengers.
Giraffes were long thought to be silent, but they actually communicate using low-frequency humming at night.
Crocodiles have the strongest bite of any animal in the world, but the muscles to open their jaws are relatively weak.