Google AdSense Revenue

Our primary source of revenue

Our Google AdSense Revenue Model

At, we use Google AdSense as our primary source of revenue to maintain and improve our website. Our goal is to provide high-quality, accurate information about Botswana while ensuring the sustainability of our platform through responsible ad placement.

What is Google AdSense?

Google AdSense is an advertising program run by Google. It allows website owners to earn money by displaying targeted ads on their sites. These ads are tailored to your content and audience, ensuring relevance and a better user experience.

How AdSense Works

When you visit our site, Google's algorithms analyze our content and your browsing history to display ads that are most likely to interest you. We earn revenue when you view or click on these ads, at no cost to you.

Our Ad Placement Strategy

We carefully place ads in non-intrusive locations on our pages. Our goal is to balance revenue generation with user experience, ensuring that ads don't interfere with your ability to access and enjoy our content about Botswana.

Ad Content Control

While we don't have direct control over the specific ads shown, we use AdSense's content filtering options to block inappropriate or irrelevant ad categories, maintaining the integrity of our site.

AdSense Revenue Distribution

Here's a breakdown of how our AdSense revenue is typically distributed: