Rakops, also known as Tsienyane, is a village situated in the Central District of Botswana. Located along the Boteti River, this charming settlement offers visitors a unique glimpse into rural Botswana life and serves as a gateway to some of the country's most spectacular natural wonders.
Rakops has a rich history as a settlement of the Batawana people. The village has maintained much of its traditional character, with many residents still practicing subsistence farming and livestock rearing. The Boteti River, which flows past the village, has played a crucial role in shaping the local culture and way of life.
Visitors to Rakops can enjoy a variety of activities:
Rakops is situated near the western edge of the Makgadikgadi Pans, which are the remnants of an ancient super-lake that once covered much of Northern Botswana!
Rakops is located approximately 590 kilometers north of Gaborone. The village is accessible by road, with regular bus services from major towns. For those on a self-drive adventure, a 4x4 vehicle is recommended, especially during the rainy season.
The best time to visit Rakops depends on your interests:
While Rakops itself has limited accommodation options, there are several lodges and camps in the surrounding areas, particularly near the Makgadikgadi Pans National Park. These range from basic campsites to luxury safari lodges.
Visiting Rakops offers a unique opportunity to experience the heart of rural Botswana, witness breathtaking natural landscapes, and encounter diverse wildlife. Whether you're a nature enthusiast, a culture buff, or simply seeking an off-the-beaten-path adventure, Rakops and its surroundings have something special to offer.